Sunday, April 22, 2012

Martyred Crosses....mitered, that is.

This project has been going on for over a year.  I work on it from time to time when it is convenient - it is really easy to pack a single square, especially when I have finished the center tiles and can start the log cabin borders.

Of course, I haven't worked on it in WEEKS, despite finally ordering and receiving the extra natural colored yarn I needed for the edges.  I have test knitting that is getting in the way of actually finishing any of my OWN knitting. For those of you who fantasize about knitting for a living? You will have very little knitting time for yourself.  I typically take about 3 projects a year for test knitting, and at the end of each project I am so excited to get back to my OWN projects and my OWN stash I kinda promise myself to not take on another project. But I have a hard time saying no.  About every three months.

So, yes. I am at the tail-end of another test knitting project.  In fact, it looks like I am going to have to rip out a few inches for the second time in order to accommodate a fancy bind off.  This is how I know test knitting is good for me. If it were my project I would just make do. For the designer I want to do good work. But it is actually thinking about other knitters 'out there' that I try to be super-duper careful.  It is for any knitter that may knit this project in the future that I double check my stitch counts, tear out for the umpteenth-time, or decide that you know, less than 5% yarn leftover just isn't enough of a yardage allowance given that not everyone does a gauge swatch. (REALLY, YOU SHOULD DO A GAUGE SWATCH!)

So, enjoy the pretty pictures while I go rip out again and think, with the righteousness of a martyr, that what I do is for the good of every knitter.


  1. Maybe I will work on my mitre squares instead of the pink monster???

  2. I love this blanket, it's such a pretty pattern! The teal and the orange are great together. The Kauni is making me want to cast on my Spectra right now, but I need to finish my WIPs first.

  3. This is gorgeous! I want to knit one for myself now. Beautiful! Good luck with the test knitting - I know how that goes.

  4. Your cross to bear? Choose your battles - because that is the cross you will be crucified on? Just poking fun, it IS important, what you are doing in the test knit phase. Some knitters may not know to thank you, but you know that yarn shop owners the world over appreciate trouble free patterns.
